Friday 25 November 2011

Is there an anthropologist in the house?

The history of Junior Henry's treatment at the hands of the judiciary is mystifying. He is obviously, demonstrably, a vicious, dangerous enemy of society. There is no mitigation, there is no justification. Even for those who seek explanations for his vile acts in factors external to himself, there is still no escaping the reality that he poses a threat to everyone unfortunate enough to encounter him, and thanks to the judiciary, that threat will be manifest in two years time.

Leaving aside how we should administer justice for the moment, morally-speaking he deserves to be stabbed multiply and left to bleed in the gutter, and whatever sentence is passed on his crimes should take this into account.

This blog has attacked judges many times. On this occasion, I cannot summon the indignation. I have not the ability to explain the workings of the judge's mind. Hence the post title. Perhaps a team of anthropologists could be sent in, and by applying the methods used in analysing obscure New Guinean tribes and their belief systems, we could discover how this judge came to the conclusion that two years incarcerated at public expense is a fitting response to this man's war on the rest of us.

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