Thursday 31 January 2008

The Ron Paul media black-out

The attempt to stiffle the Ron Paul campaign for the GOP candidacy is a study in corruption, yellow journalism and mainstream media bias. As soon as he showed his potential in the first primaries, a virtual media black-out descended. Rigged polls - investigations continue in New Hampshire - second place in Nevada - a black hole swallows the news - the same story in Louisiana, second place (although most likely he won outright) - media black-out. In all the televised debates he is judged the winner, even though he is allowed only a third of the time of the other candidates.

America is reeling, punch-drunk with corruption. Can they pull themselves together, snap out of it and find the thread that leads out of the labyrinth? Only time will tell.

A plague on both houses

Just when the heat was being turned up on Labour sleaze, along comes a load of Tory sleaze to get Hain and his cronies off the front page. Funny that.


The tyranny of good intentions

Q: What kind of sick monster would rip a new-born babe out of the arms of its mother?

A: A social worker.

The social worker movement have their roots in the eugenics cult of 100 years ago, who created an army of 'racial hygienists' intent on sterilising and euthanising the working masses for our own good.

True to demonic form and armed with no more than a piece of paper they called a 'birth plan', these certified child-snatchers muscled their way into a maternity ward and abducted a two-hour-old baby - hindered by no one, it seems. Thankfully, High Court Judge Munby reacted with humanity and ordered the ghouls to hand over the child.

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Spoken like a true pillar

Professor Ian Gilmore has urged the Royal College of Physicians to use their 'respected positions' in society to play their part in fighting global warming. What respected position? A bunch of quacks and body snatchers, if they haven't got a hand-out from a drug company rep listing your symptoms, they say it's a virus. Who can't do that?

According to the Prof in the conference blurb: 'Doctors should play as big a role in championing green issues and sustainable development as they would in the clinical care of their own patients." He warned of more asthma as pollution gets worse, deaths from heatwaves and tropical diseases like malaria arriving.

How ignorant is this guy? Malaria is not tropical. Sure you find it in the tropics, you also find it in Siberia. Pollution may get worse, but is he suggesting we're anywhere near the situation that pertained prior to the Clean Air Act? It may be bad in London, but ask a Londoner who remembers what a pea-souper was, and they'll set you straight.

'As embassadors for improving healthcare we must become champions of change to protect the planet from climate change.'

Here's another idea: Shut the fuck up. You want to change the world? Start by cleaning up your hospitals. Once you've 'championed' that change, maybe you'll have time to administer to Gaia's ills.


Tuesday 29 January 2008

Give me the child until he is seven...

Why do schools teach 'sex and relationship' classes? What is the necessity? Is it to cut the high level of teenage pregnancy and venereal disease in this country? Okay, so these things have reduced since the lessons began, right?

Wrong. So what's the solution? As usual for the social engineers on their mission to create the perfect society (-AKA a hellish dystopia of nightmare proportions) it's keep taking the medicine, and let's increase the dose.

Thus MP Chris Bryant calls for children to be indoctrinated with the state-sanctioned message at ever-younger ages. The idea that such personal, individual matters are the rightful domain of the state, and thus the elitist minority who direct it, seems to be widely accepted these days, and only the religious-minded are likely to complain.

No doubt such as these latter can be ridiculed for their 'archaic' beliefs. The irony is that the state's desire to imprint young minds with the 'correct' attitudes, in this area and many others, is just as theocratic as the average Pakistani madrassa. Its aim is to inculcate a worldview, secular and humanist perhaps, nevertheless all-encompassing and all-pervading.

Sunday 27 January 2008

Pass the gas, it's Question Time

The BBC's Question Time is so painful to watch, I don't recommend it without anasthesia. If ever a case needs to be made for the bankruptcy of our present political system, this is it.

Geoffrey Robinson's speech in defence of Nouveau Labour sleaze piled lies, bombast and moral vacuuity to such heights, I feared some kind of critical mass would be reached, a chain reaction started and the world sucked into a black hole. I long for the day when the audience stop expecting answers from these clowns, storm the stage and dole out savage beatings.

The three main parties represent a minority fraction of the population, and we need to find a way to push them aside.

Battery schooling

Just as with cottage hospitals, which have been closed by the dozen since nationalisation of the health service, village schools are constantly threatened with closure by the pen-pushing, biscuit-dunking chair jockeys of the 'education' establishment. Such schools don't fit the massified model, they are unable to offer the 'range of services' that the gauleiters of Whitehall prize far above mere education. They're not economic, we're told – but who says so? Not the teachers or the parents, but the bureaucrats who outnumber both, who are well aware that the bigger the school, the worse it often gets. The solution is to remove the vast money-sucking tick that clings to the body educational. It is the government department and the myriad quangos that nuzzle at its teats that must be closed, not the village schools.


The man with the famous sunglasses

I don't know how widely this has travelled already, but this guy should go far. Thankfully, he doesn't live anywhere near me.

As Sam Kinison once said:

You get too drunk
You get too high
You stay too fucking long
That's why they call it a PAAARTY

Friday 25 January 2008

Humping the taxpayer like a stag on viagra

What do you know? Breaking news it ain't, that road humps increase carbon dioxide emissions, and exhaust fumes, as well as damaging cars. I've heard this before – indeed it's stating the bleeding obvious - but it's in the press again, due to a study commissioned by the AA, who's 'solution' to this is to call for something even more hateful – average speed cameras. Oh, fuck off will you. So far, so predictable, but what catches my eye is this part:

“Putting in 50 standard humps on three or four connecting residential streets costs about £150,000. A set of eight average-speed cameras covering the same area would cost £250,000.”

God help us. A quarter of a million quid for three or four roads?! Three grand for a hump? And the cunts can't even fill in the potholes while they're at it. Why not keep your cameras and your humps, leave the potholes – that'll slow down the traffic – and I'll keep my money, then maybe I'll be able to buy some food this week you thieving, profligate scum.

(Hat tip to An Englishman's Home)


Popinjay! Pockmark! Pithecanthropus!

I was happy to come across this glossary of insults from the indomitable Captain Haddock. As a child, Tintin was the first thing that really inspired me to read, in marked contrast to the tiresome, unchallenging books I was prescribed by school (in true state 'education' fashion, my mother received a note instructing her to prevent me reading more than five pages a night, as I was reading 'too fast.')

The Captain's contribution enriches them no end, providing much of the comedy and all the best lines.

The problem with democracy... that many if not most of the so-called educated class seem to be against it, unwittingly in some cases wittingly in others, but the idea that the common herd are too stupid to be allowed to decide the matters that influence their lives is as pervasive as it ever was. Here are some examples from a certain chicken-shit blog, that I will not refer to again:

Writing a constitution involves endless discussion by people who understand the intricacies of such a process - inevitably a tiny subset of the population.

Does anyone seriously think that any more than a fraction of one per cent of the population will have any real idea of what they are being asked to vote for or against?”

We are a representative democracy, not a direct democracy with popular votes on specific issues”

There is no doubt in my mind that we as a people have been systematically dumbed down. Although I have no particular reverence for grammar schools, it is significant that, when the Prussian-style three tier system of grammar, secondary modern and technical schools was found wanting, the part that was destroyed was the part that worked the best, the part that was competing with the independent schools and in fact out-doing them in terms of producing Oxbridge entrants. Worse still for the upper echelon, it was smashing their superiority paradigm to pieces, by showing that a working class kid could be just as bright and achieve just as much academically as little Lord Fountleroy. So the grammars had to go, in the name of equality – but equality for the mass, not for the Fabian elite who planned it – their brood would still be off to Harrow and Eton.

Perhaps I'm digressing. The point I intended to make was that the more we are treated like feckless ignoramuses who are unable to understand the complexities of such lofty matters as, in this case, a European treaty, the truer it no doubt becomes. And conversely, the more responsibility we are allowed, the more responsible, by and large, we will be. It is not that we are incapable of discussing and judging these matters, but that the elitist class do not want us to break into their monopoly of decision-making.

In centuries past, the priests fought tooth and nail to prevent the Bible being translated into English, for two very clear reasons. Firstly, maintaining control of information made the priests powerful. Secondly, if the people knew what the Good Book said, who knows what dangerous, subversive ideas they'd get into their heads?

The same fight for control was seen over the Latin medical books and the Norman French laws. Knowledge is power, and the people must be kept from both, if the elite are to maintain their position. If Norman French is no longer an available mystifying agent, there is still the chance to thwart the layman with legalese. The complexity of this particular European treaty is wholly intentional. As Giscard D'Estaing said: 'It is not meant to be read.' The document that the French and Dutch voted down was bad enough, but this is far worse. To cite Churchil, if the first is a lie, the second is a terminological inexactitude.

The third comment is brought up whenever our politicians are out of step with public opinion, such as it can be discerned, in other words only when our system is seen to be unrepresentative of the democratic will. Again the elitist disdain for the people underscores the concept. If it was up to the hoi polloi, we'd be back to burning witches they say. The label 'representative democracy' allows these political swindlers to claim a moral case for their defiance of the people they supposedly represent. There are two arguments that spring to mind in defence of this system, and only one is valid. Delegation: in other words, we delegate the business of overseeing political matters to these people in terms of division of labour, allowing the rest of us to go about our business. But if this is to be democratic, the system is only effective insofar as our delegates do what we want them to. Our check upon this is a vote every four or five years, and due to the electoral system the vast majority of us may as well not bother turning out, for the good it does. A handful of 'swing constituencies' will decide it. Other than this, we could riot, which is the more traditional way of making our feelings felt, and no doubt if we weren't mollified and conned by our pseudo-democratic system we'd employ it more often. The second argument is as previously stated with regard to burning witches.

Much as I believe that the people should be sovereign and that the power to decide should be in our hands and not those of an elite, it is not the case that some kind of 'dictatorship of the proletariat' should take over from the technocratic oligarchy of today. It is not that the power that the few now wield should be wielded by the many, but that the power should not be wielded at all. The state is too big, the government is too overbearing. Insofar as it must exist, it must be democratically controlled and accountable to the people – but only insofar as it must exist.


Thursday 24 January 2008

The sensor strikes

Poor me! My final comment 'moderated' from this thread, for being 'too robust'. Well, the truth hurts, I guess.

You pansies! "A little too robust"? I ain't even started yet.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

What a bunch of cunctators!

The Government have apparently decided to 'delay' the introduction of their hated internal passport and biometrics database. Don't be fooled.

The elitist eugenic nuts who set up the diabolic Fabian Society 100 years ago, named themselves after a Roman general who avoided battle, thereby infuriating and exacerbating his enemy Hannibal. This is ever their tactic. First pass the legislation, but fix its implementation far in advance, hoping that in the mean time the furore will subside and apathetic indifference will take its place. If this doesn't work, then float a few stories to the effect that the plan has been dropped and wait a little longer. Meanwhile, behind the scenes crack on with setting the system up.

Elsewhere in Gormenghast Castle, the NHS database is busy pulling together all the same information, the police are building a huge DNA database, schools are finger-printing children etc. Underlying all such measures is the same fabian doctrine: The people must be controlled.


Why don't you blow yourself?

In yet another attack on the individual, the Government are planning to give the police additional powers to set up road-blocks, pull over cars and subject drivers to alcohol tests. At present, the police must have a reason to do this, which seems fair enough and in keeping with their putative raison d'etre to keep the peace. But when you're an authoritarian control freak, having a reason is way too much effort. It requires the copper to think. Far better, they say, to treat everyone like a suspect.


Neither Liberal nor Democratic

Via The Devil's Kitchen, I stumbled into a Lib Dem blog discussion on Ed Davey's (their foreign affairs spokesman) stated position on why his party are betraying their commit- ment to hold a referendum. Like the Government position it rests on the premise - destroyed by almost every European politician who's commented on the issue, including Giscard d’Estaing WHO WROTE THE FUCKING THING - namely, that although the contents of the Constitution and those of the 'amending treaty' are almost exactly the same, they're in some esoteric way completely different. As my great grandfather used to say (I'm told) "I can see through a brick wall as far as most people". In other words, bollocks.

Mr Davey tells us: "T
he DNA of mice and human beings is 90 per cent. the same—it is just that the remaining 10 per cent is quite important." True? Perhaps. Relevant? Not really. Applicable? Not in the least. At issue is what the treaty will do. Lead is not the same as nickel, but, Mr Davey, when crafted into a bullet and fired into your brain at point-blank range, the effect is much the same. Let me know if you need a demonstration.


The EU: fighting for the rights of Monsanto

The one argument I deploy more than any other against the Beast of Brussels is that it spells the end of democracy, by replacing democratically-
accountable politicians with Prussian-style managers – faceless, soulless bureaucrats meeting behind closed doors. The retort this often invites is to point out that our system is hardly democratic (rather than to defend the indefensible). I agree, which is why we must fight for democracy here and now.

And not just us. It seems Poland has fallen foul of the Commission's lawyers, as it seeks to defend its people from the dangers of genetically-modified trash. According to the blood-suckers, as the Polish government hasn't come up with cast-iron scientific reasons for stopping such imports, "the Commission therefore considers that the national provisions notified cannot be approved." After being dominated for so long by the Soviet Union, you'd think such high-handed dismissiveness would stick in the craw, and so hopefully our Polish brethren will stick to their guns and not allow their sovereign rights to be overridden by multinational monopolists like Monsanto.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

A true English hero

Over at the Libertarian Alliance, I find an essay on the life of John Lilburne, the English radical who stood up against all tyrants, fought valiantly for our liberty, and suffered much personal hardship on our behalf.

Lilburne's fight is our fight today - the liberty of the common people against the rich and powerful.

One man's depression is another man's consolidation

The current turmoil on world markets, the collapse of Northern Rock, the slide in the dollar, the sub-prime mortgage market etc are not acts of nature. Just as in 1929, these things are driven by those in real power to consolidate their control. This is what happens when you have a privately-owned central bank and a system of fractional reserve banking (fraud). Whenever the market has fallen to wherever the big playas want it, they can stroll in and hoover everything up for pennies on the pound.

We need to change the monetary system.

A few good men

I'm happy to see at least a few Labour MPs have some honour and belief in democracy, by standing against the Vichy Labour plan to drive another stake into the heart of our nation's sovereignty. The arrogance and contempt for the people that the Government and their Liberal (sic) Democrat (sic) fellow travellers display must not be forgotten. I don't think the Tories are going to do much more than posture on this issue, but at least they're posturing on the right side of this battle.



Thursday 10 January 2008

Massive voter fraud in New Hampshire

The Ron Paul campaign is facing a hurdle: They must demand a recount in New Hampshire primary. Voter fraud is a sad reality in the USA, with both the 2000 and 2004 elections of Bush being most likely stolen, in Florida and Ohio respectively (two people were recently jailed for their part in the Ohio fraud). The widespread use of electronic machines to count the vote has made vote-rigging so much easier, but it is in keeping with these dark times that blatant crimes can be done so openly, such is the criminality of the establishment powers and their craven lapdogs in the media.

In places where ballots were hand-counted, Ron Paul got on average 15% - completely in line with polls. Nevertheless the overall vote for Dr Paul is given as 8%, which is exactly the kind of 'discrepancy' that election monitors look for when examining evidence of vote-rigging. There are many instances of votes 'disappearing' that we already know about from witnesses. The same dark forces seem to have been working against Barack Obama as well.

It would be wrong to see the Ron Paul campaign as only about getting the Doctor into the White House, it is certainly waking people up, and hopefully these many people will stay awake and become active in a thousand different ways, exposing the criminals in power in America (and the world in general), and exposing the mainstream media for its willful smothering of the truth.


Tuesday 8 January 2008

Silence is deadly

"Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."

Frederick Douglass, Aug. 4, 1857

Saturday 5 January 2008

The stuff of nightmares

Is there no end to this Government's insane totalitarian urges? The Guardian reports that Schools Minister Jim Knight is in negotiation with telecom companies over his plans to mandate parents of schoolchildren to install broadband internet to their homes, to enable 'real-time reporting' on the minutiae of their child's 'progress' and I suppose extend the school day to 24 hours. It's all to help those deprived kids, of course.

(Hat tip: Samizdata)


Pirates of the Corporation

I imagine there are many on the libertarian right who will scoff at the report that foreign energy companies are treating this country like 'treasure island', convinced that the ever-loving Hidden Hand is guiding all these plundering corporations in the best of all possible worlds.

Indeed, there seems a willful blindness towards the sins of capitalism (or what goes under that name) which perhaps springs from a desire not to complicate matters, or concede anything that may be seized upon by socialists or statists and other such heathen, and thereby undermine the ideals of free trade. For such people, the privatisation of our utilities was a crowning mercy of the Thatcher era. Ironically, however, we still have many state-owned companies - only they are owned by foreign states.

On the world stage, Russian state-owned Gazprom is in an acquisitive mood, at the moment seeking to plough investment into Nigerian gas and oil production, and China is busy hoovering up mineral rights wherever the dollar is still accepted. Other sovereign wealth funds are doing likewise, and in the shell-game of international finance vast amounts of imaginary money are circulating, as the utilities and infrastructure of this nation and most others are snapped up and passed around like drunken girls at a Manchester United Christmas party.

This is not economic liberty, but monopoly capitalism - its very antithesis. However, my (strawman) rightwing libertarian sees no evil.

Friday 4 January 2008

Unaccountable profligacy

Since 2000, the Government has spent £2 billion on IT projects that have then been abandoned - and that's just what we know about. The real total will most likely be far above that.

According to the Guardian: 'The survey of abandoned projects is not exhaustive and the total of £1.865bn is likely to be a considerable underestimate of the actual cost to taxpayers because neither Whitehall nor the National Audit Office, parliament's financial watchdog, keep definitive lists of which schemes go wrong. Also it does not include the major modifications required to fix new systems that have failed to perform as required -' such as parts of the new £12bn NHS computer system, then there's the new ID database... The list goes on and on, a sickening catalogue of failure and waste, financed by burdensome levies on the commoners.

Do you think it bothers them? Or rather, when confronted with the facts, would they instead tell you what a wonderful job they're doing, and how it's all for our benefit? DO YOU THINK THEY HAVE A FUCKING CLUE?

We can't afford to passively accept this shit any longer.


Tuesday 1 January 2008

The ghost of Nol Cromwell stalks Westminster

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!"

Cromwell kicking out the Rump of the Long Parliament, on 20th April 1653