Still, here's the guy for the posters - the great Toussaint Louverture.
Friday 29 October 2010
My contribution to Black History Month
Still, here's the guy for the posters - the great Toussaint Louverture.
Thursday 28 October 2010
Hey tories, is the Stockholm syndrome wearing off yet?
Sure, it is true that the handful of decent tory MPs are at least able to raise the issues that must be raised, but they should accept that they will not change the direction of the government, and only serve to hold back the necessary changes.
If a new treaty goes through without a referendum, their only honorable course of action is tearing up their membership card and joining the campaign for freedom.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Monday 25 October 2010
Unfinished business
Sunday 24 October 2010
Oil Painting
Conservative America: heed the recent past!
Gingrich's support of the libertarian revolution is, so far, only lip service. His concrete proposals would likely expand the welfare state's burden on the taxpayers, for example, by forcing states to create and operate a vast array of government orphanages and group homes. Instead of being rearranged, spending should be slashed and the money returned to its original owners.
The Gingrichians had petty reservations about the Clinton crime bill, but they enthusiastically supported the dangerous nationalization of crime-fighting functions, which, according to both libertarian precepts and the Constitution, are supposed to dwell exclusively in the states and local communities. And we should never forget that Gingrich advocated a compromise with the president on health care.
Saturday 23 October 2010
Inalienable Wisdom
The strange upside-down world of socialist 'economics'
Not since the end of the first world war have we seen such a complete reversal of women's opportunities and economic independence. We haven't seen an attempt to turn the clock back like this for very many generations.The question is: independent from who or what? The answer is simple; from a husband, who was traditionally tasked with providing the means to support and sustain the wife, whilst she was engaged in the rather time- and energy-consuming business of bringing up a child or children.
So, how were women liberated from this dependence? By the Big Daddy State, set in motion by the would-be social engineers. This is not independence, but only another form of dependence, and one without the many mitigating advantages that the family provides.
Sauce for the gander: part 2
Following on from my last post, I have discovered a new, enjoyable pastime: crudely manipulating photos of anti-smoker control-freaks. Here's Deborah Arnott, director of ASH, whose image - for no fee - I have enhanced. With the new look, she is immediately more approachable.
So if you see her, remember to ask: "'scuse me love, have you got a light?"
The re-normalisation of smoking: the fightback begins
Anyway, key to the anti-smoker campaign has been the agenda to de-normalise the pastime, to ensure that no reference is made to smoking without an attached denunciation, and that old photos, cartoons and movies should be photo-shopped, edited or banned, to prevent the sight of a cigarette, cigar or pipe legitimising use of the nicotiana tabacum plant. Well, two can play at that game. Here's Peter Kellner, Fabian agent embedded in the establishment, married to EU apparatchik and traitor to her nation Baroness Ashton. Ooh, Peter, don't drop ash on your tax-payer-funded suit!
Tuesday 12 October 2010
America in peril: CPS thugs kidnap Oath Keeper's baby
If Oath Keepers are the enemy, who the fuck are you?
Monday 11 October 2010
Moving on from Marr
... and a quote from Hunter S. Thompson from 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas':
Sunday 10 October 2010
Up against the wall; mother fucker
Hat tip: Witterings from Witney
Those charming Gaia people
"Do as I say, not as I do"
Hat tip: Dick Puddlecote
One for the Europhiles
She was taken into police custody where she was violently dragged by her hair, chained to a radiator, hit, kicked, spat upon, called a whore, and threatened with sexual assault by the police. She also witnessed the torture of another prisoner also chained to a radiator.This did not take place not in a dark corner of the police station but out in the open, directly witnessed by police station authorities, who gave the impression that this was standard practice. Police removed her ID card, USB stick, the camera with the photos on it, as well as 25 euros in cash – to date they have refused to return her property.
(Hat tip - through clenched teeth - LibCon)
EHRC report: the longest suicide note in history?
Of course, it's not really very certain what these good-intentioned hell-bound road-pavers expected to happen. Were all the stats supposed to come up equal? Split everybody up into a thousand different categories, and compare each category on a thousand different criteria, and, if society is 'fair' (that fucking word again) they'll all come up equal, and the exact same proportion of wheelchair-bound Chinese homosexuals will be found amongst High Court judges as are convicted for serious crimes, as are stopped and searched by the police, as are CEOs of City financial institutions. That would be one frozen-over-hell of a coincidence, and I guess until Satan is skating across the lake of sulphur, we better keep all you equality pimps on the payroll, right?
... in which I agree with Lord Mandelson
I agree, keep the brand, Ned. The association with war crimes, corruption, police state authoritarianism and mind-blowing economic incompetence is definitely worth preserving and certainly in the country's interest.
The other great Jefferson
I suppose there's Jefferson Davis as well, but I'm not getting into that now.
Saturday 9 October 2010
Ready for tomorrow?
(P.S. Don't read this at the Boiling Frog, it may lead you astray)
Every revolution needs its martyrs
Ms Birbalsingh effuses the kind of common sense compassion that is not taught in any teacher training college, but rather comes from qualities within certain people, most of whom cannot function long in the school system, aware that they are forever suspect in the eyes of their lesser-gifted colleagues. On a personal level (a human level), such 'renegades' can make a huge difference to those children who come into contact with them, inspiring them, confronting them with reality - a rare moment of clarity in the narcotic suspended animation of the state education institution.
Can such people mitigate the psychopathology of the state school system, the billious mix of pavlovian psychology, jaded Rousseau-inspired noble-savagism, Fabian scientific control-freakery, atavistic atomisation, bound together with the glue of marxoid group-think?
Ms Birbalsingh would like to think so. I fear not. The establishment cannot be won over, it must be destroyed, the empire it controls smashed into ten thousand pieces. The psychopathic system cannot be humanised, it must be decommissioned, and human beings put back in its place.
And now I think I need to lie down...
An in-joke...
My favorite story about the Georgists is one I employed at a memorial service for a dear anarchist friend who had had a great deal of respect for the Georgists. A funeral service is being held for a man. The minister conducting the service invites mourners who choose to do so to say some departing words about the deceased. Some 15 to 20 members of the congregation arise and make their comments. The minister finally asks: “is there anyone else who would like to say anything about the deceased?” After a moderate period of silence, a Georgist arises at the back of the church and says: “if no one wishes to say anything more about the deceased, I’d like to say a few words about the ‘single tax.’”Butler Shaffer, writing at
ACPO: the dogger's best friend
Friday 8 October 2010
Rewarding irresponsibility
It is clear that if you reward people for irresponsible behaviour, that is what you will get, and having five children by four different men is the height of irresponsibility. To what extent the policies that have led our society to this place were intentionally aimed at undermining the family is a matter for debate. It is certainly the case that the Fabian intellectuals of the 'progressive era' saw families as the enemy. It was families that perpetuated all the human traits they held responsible for holding back progress to their promised land, and thus it was necessary to use education and social engineering to get hold of the next generation and inculcate the 'right' ideas. It is also true that this agenda has been helped along by legions of useful idiots and well-meaning philanthropists, unaware of the bigger picture.
The question is; what do we do about it? Taking it as essential to dramatically reduce the welfare state, we are left with the problem of all those hungry little bastards. It is no doubt true that their predicament is not their fault. Neither is it the fault of the average tax-payer, who has heretofore been expected to pick up the tab. At a higher level, without doubt it lies with the social engineers who purposefully and patiently undermined our society, but the fault lies immediately with the parents, primarily the mothers - the fathers also, whoever and wherever they are. The only way we can reduce this problem humanely - and I will not countenance enforced sterility, or other state-imposed limits on fertility, for this is surely worse than the present situation - is to hold people responsible for their actions, and kill the entitlement culture once and for all.
Within any such root-and-branch reform, there must be a separation of those that have paid in and those that have never done so. There may need to be a prolonged period of adjustment, so the welfare junkies can adapt to their new circumstances (welcome to the real world), but whatever happens, we cannot as a society afford to keep rewarding people for their irresponsibility, for one because it is immoral to take tax money from other people who are more responsible, and for two because our society will collapse without the family.
Sunday 3 October 2010
A sleeper awakes
Read the whole article - It's important! Hat tip: InfowarsAs the media circus grew around this legislation, and accusatory fingers pointed toward both sides of the aisle, it seemed that no one had actually read the Bill. This became clear when Nancy Pelosi, the Leader of the Left, made the statement: "Congress has to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy." She was advocating the passing of this Economic Giant of a Bill without even taking the time to read it. This was my first realization that something was very wrong beneath the streets of Obama Land...After digesting the complexities of this Bill and after some serious self-reflection and swallowing of my Liberal pride, I came to a disturbing conclusion: The Republicans were right...
The recent Bills and Executive Orders being implemented in the after-hours workings of the Obama Regime are all interconnected, purposeful moves to control the “health” of the population. Our entire food system, and thus our health choices, are being decided without public knowledge in a land called Democratic; our vote has not been counted. Unbeknownst to most Americans, H.R. 3590 specifically requires a committee to list the priorities for "lifestyle behavior modification" that the government will pursue. This translates into control of our choices of diet. Is this what Liberals were thinking of when we all together stood symbolically with Obama to bring Health Care to America? Is this what we foresaw as the solution to our collective Health Care dilemma? Control over choices?
Saturday 2 October 2010
Does Richard Curtis have a cocaine problem?
Peter the Great
"... with the co-operation of a sympathetic media..."
There's no time to watch the shadows dancing on the cave wall.
One thing leads to another
I came across this via the Hancock clip below, and found it rather interesting.
Unintended Irony: an occasional series
This is why the English Civil War was fought. It’s why the French Revolution started. It’s why the American Revolution happened. “The rule of law” isn’t just about words written in some dusty textbook – it’s about core, fundamental principles. It always has been. It’s about the rights of man – hence Thomas Paine’s use of that phrase as the title of his most famous work. In another, Common Sense, he likewise noted “in America, the law is King”.
This is a principle that the EU has been trying to bring to Europe, a mere two centuries late.
... Yeah. Nose Monkey, it seems, has a blind spot you could roll a panzer division through, when it comes to his particular favourite leviathan. For him, the antidote to national states doing things he doesn't agree with, is to replace it with a supranational state, even bigger, even more remote, even more corrupt. He sums up with:
Being voted into office doesn’t mean you can do what you like any more than being king means you can do what you like. We’ve progressed beyond that stage. Or, at least, I thought we had.
Friday 1 October 2010
My quote of the day
Short point, but well made
It did kick up a little bit of dust, but the servants of the High Cabal commit their crimes in the open these days with impunity.
10:10 - agree to our agenda or we will murder you
They hate humanity. They want to kill us all. We must stop them. We must turn this propaganda weapon on them.
Hat tip: Mr Eugenides