Friday 23 March 2012

Time running out for quixotic cult leader

In the wake of a massive online campaign to raise awareness, hopes are rising that an obscure and long-sought cult leader will finally be brought to justice, as agents from the elite 'Raccoon Squad' Common Purpose mercenary group close in.

Swiss Kony

The charismatic chief of the Libertarian and Swiss Constitutional Supporters Resistance Army has not been seen in years. Intelligence sources believe he has retreated into the deepest jungles of Somerset with a band of die-hard supporters, amongst whom it is held that he possesses magical powers, such as the ability to make accounting records disappear, and to enable him to exercise hypnotic control over software designers, who are then prepared to commit horrific acts of html coding, sustained only with empty promises.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I doubt he's the only one who's had his hands in the till.