Friday, 8 April 2011

Petrol - 53 pence per litre!

Times are tough - unless you're the thieving taxman, who's never 'ad it so good. The image below, courtesy of, based on a litre of petrol selling at 132.9 pence per litre, breaks down the price into its components.
No surprises here, of course, just seething resentment to note what we would be paying, if HM Government could live within its means and stop robbing us blind.

So, 53 pence for the petrol, 80 pence into the state's back pocket -kerching. Expressed otherwise, 60% of the price you pay is tax, and that the tax increases the price by 152%.

With such inflated prices, it's no wonder there's so few independent retailers left.

To drum the point home, remember: Pay £50 for petrol, £30 is tax.


Anonymous said...

Yes and petrol is not a bloody luxury.
It is a resource like food water and heating.
Disgusting .

Trooper Thompson said...

Didn't the nice Mr Osborne cut it by 1 penny? Have you decided what you're going to do with the extra money he has allowed you to keep?