Sunday 27 May 2012

The greatest advert for preserving the Union ...

... is that bunch of jumped-up control freaks in the Scottish government. I'm guessing they draw their inspiration from the tradition of Presbyterian miserablism the English have long associated with their northerly cousins. Their strategy is to create differentials between us and Scotland, and in most cases this is achieved by being even more creepily authoritarian, or perhaps, and this is much the same thing, by being more 'European'.

Fishface and his pals do doubt brood over the old Alliance with France, and dream of the day when they can plunge the dagger of treachery into the back of their constant and long-forgiving neighbour on behalf of some foreign potentate or prince. Hey Alec, here's a suggestion: why don't you recognise Argentine sovereignty over the Falklands?


Chief_Sceptic said...

As a Scotsman (albeit living in Norway) I have to agree ...

It's sad that the Scot-Nat 'mental pygmies' have so much sway now ...

It's like a Puritan witch-hunt ...

"Someone, somewhere, is still enjoying themselves - find them and put a stop to it !" ...

Trooper Thompson said...

Yeah, they seem to have a real temperance chip on their shoulder. How long before mandatory morning squat-thrusts and press-ups, I wonder?