Thursday, 1 November 2007

Why don't you mind your own fucking business?

I usually try to stay away from the Daily Mail, but as I've had a couple, what the hell. Leeds Council are doing a survey on rubbish, which includes questions on religion and sexuality. Who the fuck do they think they are? What business is it of theirs who anyone prays to or what anyone does in the privacy of their own bedroom? And what's it got to do with rubbish anyway? I guess that's socialism for you - no limit on government and no such thing as privacy. It just makes me wish we could put all these pen-pushing stasi-wannabees in a quarry and flood it.


Anonymous said...

He he he, that head line's sheer genius mate!

My thoughts exactly.

Trooper Thompson said...

In this specific case, the genius came in bottle form!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We need to find the names of the people who get PAID for these non-jobs out of OUR taxes, find out where they live, photograph them, and post the information on the internet indexed by local authority.

We need to do the same with ALL public bodies - Civil Service departments, Local Education Authorities, the Police, Ambulance, Fire Service, etc.

We need to EXPOSE these TRAITORS, and to give ordinary people the opportunity to get back at them by any and all means.

We need to ensure that, for every fireman that is demoted or docked pay for exposing the crime of public sex or for refusing to promote homosexuality, the people who make and enforce these Cultural Marxist rules suffer personally.

We need to start sending the message loud and clear that we have had enough. These people need to be made to live in fear, to know that they cannot continue to infest OUR country with THEIR filth and lies without paying in their own blood.

Anonymous said...

That's true enough Vlad, but you know it has to be done in the correct way.

I've begun to realise that the way to beat these bastards is to steal the moral high ground from them, and leave them no quarter whilst doing so.

They have a great talent of humouring the truths they can't deny, then re-packaging them to suit their own ends.

I don't think that's the end to it though. We have to take at least some responsibility for surrendering the initiative, and not producing the literature and politics necessary to sideline them.

Which is, after all, what they've done to us.

Trooper Thompson said...


"We have to take at least some responsibility for surrendering the initiative"

I wouldn't argue with your other points, but I don't think we (as in the common people) ever had the initiative in the first place. The ruling elite beguile us into thinking we are in charge, and also that we have choices, when in fact the whole system is designed to make sure we don't call them out on this bluff.

We're the 'many-headed monster', and one of their main preoccupations is ensuring we don't become fully awake and thus realise the shackles that hold us are weak and rusted and our keepers are in fact our jailors.


I'm still dwelling on what you've said.