Saturday 20 March 2010

A difficult question...

... just which one of the Milliband brothers is the bigger cunt? The obvious answer is David, simply because his hideous clown-face has been thrust more into the collective consciousness, but the other one, Ed, whose eyes are so close together he could be a cyclops, has been working hard behind the scenes pushing the fabian agenda.

As usual when an election hooves into view, the ghastly fabian-controlled Labour Party start talking about 'radical' plans, and for sure they mean it; radically high taxes, radical control-freakery, radical sovereignty hand-over to their globalist oligarch masters, radical take-over of what's left of the private sector etc. ad nauseam.

Some of these ideas, on the surface, sound okay, but with the fabians, what you get is a pan of steaming shit, with a few olives thrown in for good measure.


BTS said...

No fair. All the good jokes have already been done about these.. siblings.

But am I the only person to have noticed that in any picture they always appear to have been photoshopped onto the background..?

Trooper Thompson said...

It does look photoshopped, but I haven't noticed in the past. No fair? I say fair game.

BTS said...

'Nothing for a pair - not in this game..'