I learn, via Leg-Iron, that some cock-sucking shit-eater has decided to post a comment under my name.
Naturally, this does not amuse me, although the over-riding emotion is one of pity for whatever streak of cloudy piss finds in such subterfuge the validation for their otherwise futile and sordid existence.
To my fellow bloggers, therefore, I must warn you, that if you find a comment under my name, it may be from someone else.
UPDATE: I see I am not alone in dealing with this particular virus. Thus:
Angry Exile
Naturally, this does not amuse me, although the over-riding emotion is one of pity for whatever streak of cloudy piss finds in such subterfuge the validation for their otherwise futile and sordid existence.
To my fellow bloggers, therefore, I must warn you, that if you find a comment under my name, it may be from someone else.
UPDATE: I see I am not alone in dealing with this particular virus. Thus:
Angry Exile
Yes, Trooper. He's been pissing down my back too, and Pat Nurse and a few others. It's annoying, but will rebound upon him. Adding you to my blogroll as a mark of solidarity.
TT I've added you to the round robin.
Ta, Real Bill. Will reciprocate.
Cheers Real Longrider.
Time and multiple IPs are going to sink him. It's a slow process but he knows it's coming.
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